Is it too Late for the Dems?

Lazy days at the beach.  Swimming in your favorite lake.  Even commuting to work on a sweaty subway.  These are most people’s ideas of summer.  But for those of us in politics, especially during an election year, summer means something quite different.

Summer is the time when our opponents try to define our candidates, and we try to define theirs.  It’s an important part of any campaign.  Some would argue the most important part.  Because a definition properly executed in the summer can be hard (may even impossible) to shake in the fall.

And this year, the midterm elections will be more important than ever.  And many, friends and foes alike, think the Democratic Party doesn’t have a chance to maintain, let alone expand, its majority in congress.  We think differently.  And that’s why Permanent Majority was formed.  But time is of the essence. 

So, although for many of you, November 8th may seem ages away.  (And in some ways it is, there are still primary campaigns to be run in many states.)  But for those of us, at Permanent Majority, every day, every hour of this season is critical.  So, with Memorial Day, marked as the unofficial start of summer, now more than a week in the past, we feel the pinch of time.  And so should you.

You are needed out there.  Needed to share the Permanent Majority message with friends and family.  Needed to inform yourself where you are ignorant.  About candidates, races, and the latest issues.

But, most importantly, Permanent Majority needs you to think.  Always thinking.  Thinking about ways of defining both our opponents and our candidates.

Because, remember, those things we don’t define will be defined for us.

So, get in the game.  The time of definition is at hand.


The GOP is Not Sensible


Those Amazing Peach Trees